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GS1 US Data Hub Help Center

Add Users and Assign Roles

When you license a GS1 Company Prefix, you receive many key roles, such as the General User Administrator. You can add multiple users to your subscription. The questions below are categorized into two segments.

Visit the GS1 US Store to add more users.

Managing Users and Roles                Managing Preferences and Permissions

Managing Users and Roles:

After you subscribe to add users, visit the User Portal. Click the Add New User button, then enter the user’s email address. This will perform a check to see if the email is already active.

You can then assign roles, including the GS1 US Data Hub | Product Create/Manage role (see question below). If the Product Create/Manage role is NOT assigned, the Product link is grayed out to new users when they visit GS1 US Data Hub.

Note: Did you assign new roles to yourself? You will have to logout, then log back into GS1 US Data Hub, so you can see the roles that you added.

For more details, download the GS1 US Portal User Guide.

For specific answers about logging in and adding users from an available pool of users, visit the GS1 US Frequently Asked Questions page.

You should assign the Product Create/Manage role. To assign this role to an existing user, the General User Administrator or Product Administrator can log into the GS1 US User Portal and take these steps:

1. Locate the user, then click the user row. The User Information screen displays for the user. Scroll down and check the box for Product Create/Manage.

2. Click Save.

When the user logs in to GS1 US Data Hub, the Product link is "enabled" - that is, the Product link is longer be grayed out, and the user can click Product and add a product and generate a barcode.

This user can also maintain product data, enter higher level packaging such as cases, and export product data so it can be entered into an internal database.

Add Product Create Manage Role

When you obtain a GS1 Company Prefix directly through GS1 US, or license a single GTIN or GLN, a single user is provided. You can add seats if needed.

Here are the GS1 US Data Hub administrator roles that can be assigned via the GS1 US User Portal:

myGS1 US:
User can login to the GS1 US store and access the myGS1 US dashboard to manage licenses, make payments, print certificates, and other functions.

Product Administrator:
User can assign other users the Product Create/Manage role, so they can add and update product and GTIN data.

Product Create/Manage:
User can add and update products and GTINs.

Location Administrator:
User can assign other users the Location Create/Manage role, so they can add and update location and party (GLN) data.

Location Create/Manage:
User can add and update location and party data, and assign Global Location Numbers (GLNs).

Umbrella Account Administrator:
User can upload data from GDSN and manage global GS1 Company Prefixes (Enterprise Edition subscription only).

View/Use Administrators (Product, Location, Company)
User can query third-party product, location or company data. These roles require a View/Use subscription. 

When the Product or Location link is grayed out, you cannot add or update products or locations. This is because you have not been assigned the Product Create/Manage role or Location Create/Manage role in the GS1 US User Portal.

Navigation Bar with Product Grayed Out

Contact your GS1 US General User Administrator so one of these roles can be assigned to you.

Another reason these links may be grayed out is if your account is past due. Use the Contact Us form to learn more about your account status. 

From the User Portal main screen for your company, select the desired user. If your company has multiple users, use the Search box to enter a few letters of the user’s first name, last name or email, and click the search icon to display matching users. Click the desired user’s row to view the user profile screen.

Click the Remove from Company link. Confirm the information in the modal window is correct.  Click OK to confirm. This user has now been removed from this company account.

Remove from Company link

An automatic email invitation expires in seven days. To resend this invitation to a new user, visit the GS1 US User Portal. Select Pending next to the Users heading. This displays all users who have not yet registered or created a password.

Locate the name of the desired user, and click the Resend Invitation link in the row for that user.

No, the Administration link enables you to perform specific functions, such as changing the default share settings. To add users and assign roles, visit the GS1 US User Portal.

Managing Preferences and Permissions:

There are several email notices that you can receive from GS1 US Data Hub when a specific platform event occurs. These are not enabled when you are added to the platform.

To enable one or more of these email notices, click the Administration link on the main navigation bar. Click the Email Preferences link under "Profile Settings." Check the box for the email(s) you want to receive, then click the Save Settings button.

By default, when you publish a GTIN or GLN, this data is shared with all GS1 US Data Hub View/Use subscribers - and with global users via the Verified by GS1 service. 

View/Use subscribers can query GTIN, GLN and global company data from global GS1 members, and verify product data, location/party data, and company information.

To turn off the default share settings, click the Administration link, then the Default Share Settings link. Uncheck the box for the data you would like to stop sharing, then click Save Settings.

You can now selectively share this data with trading partners that are View/Use subscribers. These trading partners will have the ability to view – and download – GTINs, GLNs and associated data. For GLNs, you can choose to share a single location or entire branches of your hierarchy.

You can select a solution provider from the Administration screen. Click the Product Solution Partners link, then check the box for the solution partner with which you have a relationship.

Click the Administration link, then the Location (GLN) User Permissions link on the left. You can now specify one of the following permissions for the user: 

Edit: This user can create and update location information. When this "Editor" creates a GLN, it is sent to the Pending Approvals section. When updating an existing GLN, the Editor clicks the Edits in Progress tab, then the Submit for Approval button. This GLN is also sent to the Pending Approvals section.

Import: This user can import location information to GS1 US Data Hub | Location.

Approval Import: This user can check the box for “Import location data as approved.” This auto-approves the locations when they are imported, so the Approver doesn't have to approve each GLN individually.

Approve: This user clicks the Pending Approvals tab to accept, reject, or cancel requests from Editors.

GPO: Managed GLN Subscribers Only - this user gains visibility into GPO/Wholesaler-controlled GLNs.

Audit: This user gains “view only” privileges to see all locations managed by their own company. This user cannot edit a location.


User Portal Guide: