Unit of Measure | Code | Definition |
15 C Calorie | A1 | |
Access Line | AL | |
Acre | ACR | |
Actual Ton | 26 | |
Additional Minute | AH | |
Air Dry Metric Ton | MD | |
Alcoholic Strength By Mass | ASM | |
Alcoholic Strength By Volume | ASU | |
Aluminium Pound Only | AP | |
Ampere | AMP | |
Ampere Hour | AMH | A unit of electric charge defining the amount of charge accumulated by a steady flow of one ampere for one hour. |
Ampere Per Centimetre | A2 | |
Ampere Per Metre | AE | |
Ampere Per Millimetre | A3 | |
Ampere Per Square Centimetre | A4 | |
Ampere Per Square Metre | A41 | |
Ampere Per Square Metre Kelvin Squared | A6 | |
Ampere Per Square Millimetre | A7 | |
Ampere Second | A8 | |
Ampere Square Metre | A5 | |
Ampere Square Metre Per Joule Second | A10 | |
Ampere Tum Per Centimetre | 73 | |
Ampoule | AM | |
Angstrom | A11 | A unit of length equal to one hundred-millionth of a centimetre, 10–10 metre, used mainly to express wavelengths and interatomic distances. |
Anti XA Unit | AXU | A unit of measure for blood potency. Units for the anti XA activity which is a measure to the anti coagulating effect at low molecular heparins. |
Anti-Hemophilic Factor (Ahf) Unit | AQ | |
Are | ARE | |
Assembly | AY | |
Assortment | AS | A unit of count defining the number of assortments (assortment: set of items grouped in a mixed collection). |
Astronomical Unit | A12 | |
Atomic Mass Units (AMU) | D43 | |
Attojoule | A13 | |
Average Minute Per Call | AI | |
Bag | BG | |
Bale | BL | |
Ball | AA | |
Band | D92 | |
Bar | BR | The bar is widely used in descriptions of pressure; 1 bar = 100 kilopascals 0.987 atmospheres. |
Bar (unit of pressure) | BAR | The bar is widely used in descriptions of pressure; 1 bar = 100 kilopascals 0.987 atmospheres. |
Barge | NB | |
Barn | A14 | |
Barn Per Electron Volt | A15 | |
Barn Per Steradian Electron Volt, | A16 | |
Barn Per Steradian | A17 | |
Barrel (Us) Per Day | B1 | |
Barrel Per Minute | 5A | |
Barrel US | BLL | There are varying standards for barrel for some specific commodities, including 31 gal for beer, 40 gal for whiskey or kerosene, and 42 gal for petroleum. The general standard for liquids is 31.5 gal or half a hogshead; the general standard for dry contents is 7,056 Cubic Inches. |
Barrel, Imperial | B4 | |
Base box | BB | A unit of area of 112 sheets of tin mil products (tin plate, tin free steel or black plate) 14 by 20 inches, or 31,360 square inches. |
Base Weight | BW | |
Basket | BK | |
Batch | 5B | |
Batt | B9 | |
Batting Pound | B3 | |
Beam | D79 | |
Beats Per Minute | BPM | |
Becquerel | BQL | The SI derived unit of radioactivity. One Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. SI uses the becquerel rather than the second for the unit of activity measure to avoid dangerous mistakes: a measurement in becquerels is proportional to activity, and thus a more dangerous source of radiation gives a higher reading. A measurement in seconds is inversely proportional. |
Becquerel Per Kilogram | A18 | |
Becquerel Per Metre Cubed | A19 | |
Belt | E2 | |
Billet | B5 | |
Bin | 2W | |
Bit per second | B10 | In telecommunications and computing, bitrate (sometimes written bit rate, data rate or as a variable R or fb) is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time.The bit rate is quantified using the bits per second (bit/s or bps) unit. |
Block | D64 | |
Board | BD | |
Board Foot | BFT | A specialized unit of measure for the volume of rough lumber (before drying and planing with no adjustments) or planed/surfaced lumber. It is the volume of a one-foot length of a board one foot wide and one inch thick. Some countries utilize the synonym super foot or superficial foot. |
Bobbin | 4A | |
Bolt | BT | |
Book | D63 | A unit of count defining the number of books (book: set of items bound together or written document of a material whole). |
Bottle | BO | |
Box | BX | |
Brake Horse Power | BHP | |
British thermal unit | BTU | A traditional unit of energy. It is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. One Btu is equal to about 1.06 kilojoules. It is used in the power, steam generation, heating and air conditioning industries. |
British Thermal Unit Per Hour | 2I | |
British Thermal Unit Per Hour Square Foot Degree Rankin | A23 | |
British Thermal Unit Per Pound | AZ | |
British Thermal Unit Per Pound Degree Rankin | A21 | |
British Thermal Unit Per Second Foot Degree Rankin | A22 | |
British Thermal Unit Per Second Square Foot Degree Rankin | A20 | |
Brush | BH | |
Btu Per Cubic Foot | B0 | |
Bucket | BJ | |
Bulk | VQ | |
Bulk Car Load | 48 | |
Bulk Pack | AB | |
Bun | B6 | |
Bundle | BE | |
Bunk | B2 | |
Bushel (UK) | BUI | A bushel is an imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume, equivalent in each of these systems to 4 pecks or 8 gallons. It is used for volumes of dry commodities (not liquids), most often in agriculture |
Bushel (US) | BUA | A bushel is an imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume, equivalent in each of these systems to 4 pecks or 8 gallons. It is used for volumes of dry commodities (not liquids), most often in agriculture |
Byte | AD | |
Caboose Count | 1D | |
Caboose Mile | 1H | |
Cake | KA | |
Call | C0 | |
Calorie | D70 | A calorie is 1/100 of the amount of energy required to warm one gram of air-free water from 0 °C to 100 °C at standard atmospheric pressure; this is about 4.190 J. Its use is archaic, having been replaced by the SI unit of energy, the joule. However, in many countries it remains in common use as a unit of food energy. In the context of nutrition, and especially food labelling, the calorie is approximately equal to 4.1868 joules (J), and energy values are normally quoted in kilojoules (kJ) and kilocalories (kcal). This code is being deprecated. Use code E14 Kilocalorie to express food calories. |
Calorie - Calorie Per Cubic Centimetre | 92 | |
Calorie Per Gram | 93 | |
Can | CA | |
Candela | CDL | |
Candela per Square Metre | A24 | |
Cap | 4B | |
Capsule | AV | |
Car | NC | |
Car Count | 1B | |
Car Mile | 1A | |
Carboy | CO | |
Card | CG | A unit of count defining the number of units of card (card: thick stiff paper or cardboard). |
Carload | C4 | |
Carrying Capacity In Metric Ton | CCT | |
Carset | C2 | |
Carton | CT | |
Cartridge | CQ | |
Case | CS | |
Cask | Z3 | |
Cassette | D66 | |
Catch Weight | 31 | |
Cell | C6 | |
Cental (Uk) | CNT | |
Centigram | CGM | A centigram is one hundredth (1/100) of a gram |
Centilitre | CLT | A centilitre is one hundredth (1/100) of a litre |
Centimetre | CMT | A centimetre is equal to one hundredth of a metre. |
Centimetre Per Second | 2M | |
Centipoise | C7 | |
Centisimal Hahnemannian Dilution (CH) | X_CHD | |
Centistokes | 4C | |
Chain | X1 | |
Chest | Z2 | |
Cheval Vapeur | A25 | |
Coil | CL | |
Coil Group | C9 | |
Colony Forming Units | CFU | |
Column Inch | II | |
Combo | CZ | |
Composite Product Pound (Total Weight) | C1 | |
Cone | CJ | |
Conference Point | Z6 | |
Connector | CK | |
Container | CH | |
Conventional Millimetre Of Mercury | HN | Conventional millimetre of mercury mm Hg. |
Conventional Millimetre Of Water | HP | |
Cop | AJ | |
Cord | WCD | |
Cost | C5 | |
Coulomb | COU | |
Coulomb Metre | A26 | |
Coulomb Metre Squared Per Volt | A27 | |
Coulomb Per Cubic Centimetre | A28 | |
Coulomb Per Cubic Metre | A29 | |
Coulomb Per Cubic Millimetre | A30 | |
Coulomb Per Kilogram | CKG | |
Coulomb Per Kilogram Second | A31 | |
Coulomb Per Mole | A32 | |
Coulomb Per Square Centimetre | A33 | |
Coulomb Per Square Metre | A34 | |
Coulomb Per Square Millimetre | A35 | |
Count | 1N | Count |
Count Per Centimetre | IT | |
Count Per Inch | IC | |
Count Per Minute | 5K | |
Cover | CV | |
Crate | CR | |
Cubic centimetre | CMQ | A cubic centimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one centimetre (0.01 m) equal to a millilitre. |
Cubic Centimetre Per Mole | A36 | |
Cubic Centimetre Per Second | 2J | |
Cubic decimetre | DMQ | A cubic decimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one decimetre (0.1 m) |
Cubic Decimetre Per Mole | A37 | |
Cubic Feet Per Minute Per Square Foot | 36 | |
Cubic foot | FTQ | A cubic foot is the volume of a cube of side length one foot (0.3048 m) . |
Cubic Foot Per Hour | 2K | |
Cubic Foot Per Minute | 2L | |
Cubic inch | INQ | A cubic inch is the volume of a cube of side length one inch (0.254 m). |
Cubic metre | MTQ | A cubic metre is the volume of a cube of side length one metre. |
Cubic Metre (Net) | D90 | |
Cubic Metre Per Coulomb | A38 | |
Cubic Metre Per Hour | MQH | Cubic Metre Per Hour |
Cubic Metre Per Kilogram | A39 | |
Cubic Metre Per Mole | A40 | |
Cubic Metre Per Second | MQS | |
Cubic millimetre | MMQ | A cubic millimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one milliimetre (0.001 m) |
Cubic Yard | YDQ | |
Cup | CU | |
Cup (US) | G21 | Cup (US) |
Curie | CUR | |
Curie Per Kilogram | A42 | |
Curl Unit | 94 | |
Cycle | B7 | |
Cylinder | CY | |
Data Record | DQ | |
Days | DAY | A day is one three hundreds and sixty fifth (1/365) of a year |
Deadweight Tonnage | A43 | A unit of mass defining the difference between the weight of a ship when completely empty and its weight when completely loaded, expressed as the number of tons. |
Deal | DE | |
Decade | DEC | |
Decagram | DJ | |
Decalitre | A44 | |
Decametre | A45 | |
Decare | DAA | |
Decibar | X_DBA | |
Decibel | 2N | A measurement for sound in air and other gases, relative to 20 micropascals (μPa) = 2×10−5 Pa, the quietest sound a human can hear. This is roughly the sound of a mosquito flying 3 metres away. This is often abbreviated to just "dB"; however the correct abbreviation is dB(SPL), indicating decibel for Sound Pressure Level. |
Decigram | DG | A decigram is one tenth (1/10) of a gram. |
Decilitre | DLT | A decilitre is one tenth (1/10) of a litre. |
Decilitre Per Gram | 22 | |
Decimetre | DMT | A decimetre is equal to one tenth of a metre. |
Decinewton Metre | DN | |
Decitex | A47 | |
Decitonne | DTN | |
Degree (Unit of Angel) | DD | A measurement of plane angle, representing 1⁄360 of a full rotation; one degree is equivalent to π/180 radians. |
Degree Celsius | CEL | Celsius (also historically known as centigrade) is a temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius (°C) and the boiling point 100 °C (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 100 degrees apart. |
Degree Fahrenheit | FAH | The Fahrenheit temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and the boiling point 212 °F (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 180 degrees apart. |
Degree Rankin | A48 | |
Denier | A49 | |
Directory Book | DY | |
Disk (Disc) | DC | |
Dispenser | DI | |
Displacement Tonnage | DPT | |
Display | DS | |
Dollar Per Hour | D67 | |
Dose | E27 | A unit of count defining the number of doses (dose: a definite quantity of a medicine or drug). |
Dots per inch | E39 | A unit of count defining the number of dots per linear inch as a measure of the resolution or sharpness of a graphic image. |
Dozen | DZN | A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 12. |
Dozen Pack | DZP | |
Dozen Pair | DPR | |
Dozen Piece | DPC | |
Dozen Roll | DRL | |
Drachm (Uk) | DRM | |
Draize Score | D8 | |
Dram (UK) | DRI | The dram (archaic spelling drachm) was historically both a coin and a weight. Currently it is both a small mass in the Apothecaries' system of weights and a small unit of volume. This unit is called more correctly fluid dram or in contraction also fluidram. The fluid dram is defined as 1⁄8 of a fluid ounce, which means it is exactly equal to 3.551 632 812 500 0 mL in the Commonwealth and Ireland. In England dram came to mean a small draught of cordial or alcohol; hence the term dram-house for the taverns where one could purchase a dram. |
Dram (US) | DRA | The dram (archaic spelling drachm) was historically both a coin and a weight. Currently it is both a small mass in the Apothecaries' system of weights and a small unit of volume. This unit is called more correctly fluid dram or in contraction also fluidram. The term also refers to the fluid dram, a measure of capacity equal 1⁄8 of a fluid ounce, which means it is exactly equal to 3.696 691 195 312 5 mL in the United States. |
Drum | DR | |
Dry Barrel (Us) | BLD | |
Dry Gallon (Us) | GLD | |
Dry Pint (US) | PTD | The United States dry pint is equal one eighth of a US dry gallon or one half US dry quarts. It is used in the United States but is not as common as the liquid pint. |
Dry Pound | DB | |
Dry Ton | DT | |
Dyn Second Per Cubic Centimetre | A50 | |
Dyne | DU | |
Dyne Per Centimetre | DX | |
Dyne Per Square Centimeter | D9 | |
Dyne Second Per Centimetre | A51 | |
Dyne Second Per Centimetre To The Fifth | A52 | |
Each | EA | A unit of count defining the number of items regarded as separate units. |
Each Per Month | EC | |
Eight Pack | P8 | |
Electronic Mail Box | EB | |
Electronvolt | A53 | |
Electronvolt Per Metre | A54 | |
Electronvolt Square Metre | A55 | |
Electronvolt Square Metre Per Kilogram | A56 | |
Eleven Pack | EP | |
ELISA Units | ELU | Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay unit, is always associated with a product and a method. |
Empty Car | 1E | |
Envelope | EV | |
Equivalent Gallon | EQ | |
Erg | A57 | |
Erg Per Centimetre | A58 | |
Erg Per Cubic Centimetre | A60 | |
Erg Per Gram | A61 | |
Erg Per Gram Second | A62 | |
Erg Per Second | A63 | |
Erg Per Second Square Centimetre | A64 | |
Erg Per Square Centimetre Second | A65 | |
Erg Square Centimetre | A66 | |
Erg Square Centimetre Per Gram | A67 | |
Exajoule | A68 | |
Failure Rate In Time | 63 | |
Farad | FAR | |
Farad Per Metre | A69 | |
Fathom | AK | |
Femtojoule | A70 | |
Femtolitre | Q32 | |
Femtometre | A71 | |
Fibre Per Cubic Centimetre Of Air | F9 | |
Field | FB | |
Fifteen Kg Drum | 98 | |
Fifty Lb Bag | 47 | |
Fifty Lb Bulk Bag | 46 | |
Fiftyfive Gallon (Us) Drum | 18 | |
Five Pack | P5 | |
Fivehundred Kg Bulk Bag | 44 | |
Fixed Rate | 1I | |
Flake Ton | FL | |
Fluid ounce (UK) | OZI | A fluid ounce (UK) is equal to one thirtieth (1/30) of a UK pint or 28.4130625 millilitres. |
Fluid ounce (US) | OZA | A fluid ounce (US) is equal to one sixteenth (1/16) of a US pint or 29.5735295625 millilitres . |
Foot | FOT | The international foot is defined to be equal to 0.3048 meters. |
Foot Per Minute | FR | |
Foot Per Second | FS | |
Foot Per Second Squared | A73 | |
Foot Pound-Force | 85 | |
Foot Pound-Force Per Second | A74 | |
Forty Foot Container | 21 | |
Four Pack | P4 | |
Freight Ton | A75 | |
French gauge | H79 | The French scale (most correctly abbreviated as Fr, but also often abbreviated as FR or F) is commonly used to measure the catheter size (Circumference is in millimeters), in which 1 Fr = 0.33 mm in diameter. In the French Gauge system as it is also known, the diameter in millimeters of the catheter can be determined by dividing the French size by 3, thus an increasing French size corresponds with a larger diameter catheter. The following equations summarize the relationships: D(mm) = Fr/3 or Fr = D(mm)*3 |
Fuel Usage Gallon (Us) | 1G | |
Gage System | GZ | |
Gal | A76 | |
Gallon (UK) | GLI | The imperial (UK) gallon was legally defined as 4.54609 litres. |
Gallon (US) | GLL | The U.S. liquid gallon is legally defined as 231 cubic inches, and is equal to exactly 3.785411784 litres or about 0.133680555 cubic feet. |
Gallon (Us) Per Day | GB | |
Gallon Per Thousand Cubic Feet | GW | |
Gallon(Us) Per Thousand | 5C | A number referring to the outer diameter of hypodermic or suture needles. Smaller gauge numbers indicate larger outer diameters. Inner diameter depends on both gauge and wall thickness. An increasing needle-gauge size corresponds to a smaller diameter needle. This is contrary to French Gauge where an increasing gauge size corresponds to a larger external diameter. |
Gauge | AWG | |
Gauss | 76 | |
Gaussian Cgs Unit Of Displacement | A77 | |
Gaussian Cgs Unit Of Electic Current | A78 | |
Gaussian Cgs Unit Of Electric Charge | A79 | |
Gaussian Cgs Unit Of Electric Field Strength | A80 | |
Gaussian Cgs Unit Of Electric Polarization | A81 | |
Gaussian Cgs Unit Of Electric Potential | A82 | |
Gaussian Cgs Unit Of Magnetization | A83 | |
Gigabecquerel | GBQ | |
Gigabyte | E34 | |
Gigacoulomb Per Cubic Metre | A84 | |
Gigaelectronvolt | A85 | |
Gigahertz | A86 | |
Gigajoule | GV | |
Gigaohm | A87 | |
Gigaohm Metre | A88 | |
Gigapascal | A89 | |
Gigawatt | A90 | |
Gigawatt hour | GWH | |
Gill (Uk) | GII | |
Gill (Us) | GIA | |
Gon | A91 | |
Grain | GRN | A grain or troy grain is precisely 64.79891 milligrams. Exactly 7,000 grains per avoirdupois pound. |
Gram | GRM | One one-thousandth of the kilogram (1×10-3 kg). |
Gram Of Fissile Isotope | GFI | |
Gram Per 100 Gram | GC | |
Gram Per Cubic Metre | A93 | |
Gram Per Hour | F27 | |
Gram Per Kilogram | GK | |
Gram Per Litre | GL | A unit of measurement of mass concentration that shows how many grams of a certain substance are present in one litre. |
Gram Per Metre (Gram Per 100 Centimetres) | GF | |
Gram Per Millilitre | GJ | |
Gram Per Mole | A94 | |
Gram Per Square Centimetre | 25 | |
Gram per square metre | GM | In the metric system, the density of all types of paper, paperboard, and fabric, is expressed in terms of grams per square meter (g/m2).This quantity is commonly called grammage both in English and French (ISO 536), though many English- speaking countries still refer to the "weight". The term density here is used somewhat incorrectly, as density is mass by volume. More precisely, it is a measure of the area density, areal density, or surface density. |
Grams Per Cubic Centimetre | 23 | Grams Per Cubic Centimetre |
Gray | A95 | |
Gray Per Second | A96 | |
Great Gross | GGR | |
Gross | GRO | A unit of count defining the number of units in multiples of 144 (12 x 12). |
Gross Barrel | GD | |
Gross Gallon | GN | |
Gross kilogram | E4 | A unit of mass defining the total number of kilograms before deductions. |
Gross Register Ton | GRT | |
Gross Ton | GT | |
Gross Yard | GY | |
Group | 10 | |
Half dozen | HD | A unit of count defining the number of units in multiplt of six (6). |
Half Gallon (Us) | GH | |
Half Hour | HT | |
Half Litre | H2 | |
Half Page | H1 | |
Half Pint (Us) | PV | |
Half Year (6 Months) | SAN | |
Hank | HA | |
Heat Lot | 8 | |
Heat Transfer Coefficient | D55 | |
Hectare | HAR | |
Hectobar | HBA | |
Hectogram | HGM | A hectogram is one hundred (100) grams |
Hectolitre | HLT | A hectolitre is one hundred (100) litres. |
Hectolitre Of Pure Alcohol | HPA | |
Hectometre | HMT | |
Hectopascal | A97 | |
Henry | 81 | |
Henry Per Metre | A98 | |
Hertz | HTZ | |
Histamine Equivalent Prick | HEP | Histamine equivalent prick testing for allergen. |
Hogshead | Z4 | |
Horse Power Day Per Air Dry Metric Ton | 30 | |
Hour | HUR | An hour is a unit of measurement of time of the duration of 60 minutes, or 3600 seconds. It is 1/24 of a median Earth day. |
Hundred | CEN | |
Hundred board foot | BP | A unit of volume equal to one hundred board foot. |
Hundred Boxe | HBX | |
Hundred count | HC | A unit of count defining the number of units counted in multiples of 100. |
Hundred Cubic Feet | HH | |
Hundred Cubic Metre | FF | |
Hundred Feet | HF | |
Hundred Feet (Linear) | HL | |
Hundred Fifteen Kg Drum | 16 | |
Hundred International Unit | HIU | |
Hundred Kilogram | HK | |
Hundred Lb Drum | 17 | |
Hundred Leave | CLF | |
Hundred Linear Yard | YL | |
Hundred Pack | CNP | |
Hundred pound (cwt) / hundred weight (US) | CWA | A unit of weight in the U.S. Customary System equal to 100 pounds (45.36 kilograms); also called cental. |
Hundred Sheet | HI | |
Hundred Square Feet | HS | |
Hundred Troy Ounce | HO | |
Hundred weight (UK) | CWI | A unit of weight in the British Imperial System equal to 112 pounds (50.80 kilograms); also called quintal. |
Hundred Yard | HY | |
Hundredth Of A Carat | HE | |
Hydraulic Horse Power | 5J | |
Imperial Gallon Per Minute | G3 | |
Impression | IM | |
Inch Per Minute | IL | |
Inch Per Second (Linear Speed) | IU | |
Inch Per Second Squared (Acceleration) | IV | |
Inch Pound (Pound Inch) | IA | |
Inch To The Fourth Power | D69 | |
Inches | IN | An international inch is defined to be equal to 25.4 millimeters. |
Inches Of Water | IF | |
Insurance Policy | IP | |
International Table (It) Calorie Per Gram | D75 | |
International Table (It) Calorie Per Gram Kelvin | D76 | |
International Table (It) Calorie Per Second Centimetre Kelvin | D71 | |
International Table (It) Calorie Per Second Square Centimetre Kelvin | D72 | |
Jar | JR | |
Joint | JO | |
Joule | JOU | |
Joule Per Cubic Metre | B8 | |
Joule Per Gram | D95 | |
Joule Per Kelvin | JE | |
Joule Per Kilogram | J2 | |
Joule Per Kilogram Kelvin | B11 | |
Joule Per Metre | B12 | |
Joule Per Metre To The Fourth Power | B14 | |
Joule Per Mole | B15 | |
Joule Per Mole Kelvin | B16 | |
Joule Per Square Metre | B13 | |
Joule Second | B18 | |
Joule Square Metre | D73 | |
Joule Square Metre Per Kilogram | B20 | |
Jug | JG | |
Jumbo | JB | |
Kallikrein inactivator unit. | KIU | |
Keg | KG | |
Kelvin | KEL | A unit of absolute temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water. One kelvin degree is equal to one Celsius degree. |
Kelvin Per Watt | B21 | |
Kilo Becquerel | 2Q | |
Kiloampere | B22 | |
Kiloampere Hour (Thousand Ampere Hour) | TAH | |
Kiloampere Per Metre | B24 | |
Kiloampere Per Square Metre | B23 | |
Kilobar | KBA | |
Kilobecquerel Per Kilogram | B25 | |
Kilobyte | 2P | |
Kilocalorie (international table) | E14 | |
Kilocharacter | KB | |
Kilocoulomb | B26 | |
Kilocoulomb Per Cubic Metre | B27 | |
Kilocoulomb Per Square Metre | B28 | |
Kilocurie | 2R | |
Kiloelectronvolt | B29 | |
Kilogauss | 78 | |
Kilogram | KGM | A unit of mass equal to one thousand grams. |
Kilogram Decimal | KD | |
Kilogram Metre Per Second | B31 | |
Kilogram Metre Squared | B32 | |
Kilogram Metre Squared Per Second | B33 | |
Kilogram Named Substance | KNS | |
Kilogram Of Nitrogen | KNI | |
Kilogram Of Phosphorus Pentoxide (Phosphoric Anhydride) | KPP | |
Kilogram Of Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash) | KPH | |
Kilogram Of Potassium Oxide | KPO | |
Kilogram Of Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) | KSH | |
Kilogram Of Substance 90 % Dry | KSD | |
Kilogram Of Uranium | KUR | |
Kilogram Per Air Dry Metric Ton | 32 | |
Kilogram Per Cubic Decimetre | B34 | |
Kilogram Per Cubic Metre | KMQ | |
Kilogram Per Kilogram Of Product | 3H | |
Kilogram Per Litre | B35 | |
Kilogram Per Metre | KL | |
Kilogram Per Millimetre Width | KI | |
Kilogram Per Mole | D74 | |
Kilogram Per Piece Of Product | 3I | |
Kilogram Per Second | KGS | Kilogram drained net weight |
Kilogram per square centimetre | D5 | A kilogram-force per square centimeter (kgf/cm2), often just kilogram per square centimeter (kg/cm2), or kilopond per square centimeter is a unit of pressure using metric units. Its use is now deprecated; it is not a part of the International System of Units (SI), the modern metric system. The unit is similar to the English unit psi (lbf/in2). |
Kilogram per square metre | 28 | A unit of pressure equal to 9.80665*10-05 Bar |
Kilogram-Force | B37 | |
Kilogram-Force Metre | B38 | |
Kilogram-Force Metre Per Second | B39 | |
Kilogram-Force Per Square Metre | B40 | |
Kilograms Per Millimeter | KW | |
Kilohertz | KHZ | |
Kilojoule | KJO | |
Kilojoule Per Kelvin | B41 | |
Kilojoule Per Kilogram | B42 | |
Kilojoule Per Kilogram Kelvin | B43 | |
Kilojoule Per Mole | B44 | |
Kilolitre | K6 | |
Kilolitre Per Hour | 4X | |
Kilometre | KMT | A kilometre is one thousand (1000) metres |
Kilometre | KTM | |
Kilometre Per Hour | KMH | |
Kilomole | B45 | |
Kilomole Per Cubic Metre | B46 | |
Kilonewton | B47 | |
Kilonewton Metre | B48 | |
Kilonewton Per Square Metre | KNM | Kilonewton Per Square Metre |
Kiloohm | B49 | |
Kiloohm Metre | B50 | |
Kilopacket | KF | |
Kilopascal | KPA | |
Kilopascal Square Metres Per Gram | 33 | |
Kilopascals Per Millimetre | 34 | |
Kilopond | B51 | |
Kilopound Per Square Inch | 84 | |
Kiloröntgen | KR | |
Kilosecond | B52 | |
Kilosegment | KJ | |
Kilosiemens | B53 | |
Kilosiemens Per Metre | B54 | |
Kilotonne | KTN | |
Kilovar | KVR | |
Kilovolt | KVA | |
Kilovolt | KVT | |
Kilovolt Ampere (Reactive) | K5 | |
Kilovolt Ampere Reactive Demand | K2 | |
Kilovolt Ampere Reactive Hour | K3 | |
Kilovolt Per Metre | B55 | |
Kilowatt | KWT | A kilowatt is one thousand (1000) watts |
Kilowatt Demand | K1 | |
Kilowatt hour | KWH | |
Kiloweber Per Metre | B56 | |
Kit | KT | A unit of count defining the number of kits (kit: tub, barrel or pail). |
Knot | KNT | |
Korsakovian (K) | X_KVN | |
Labour Hour | LH | |
Large Spray | LJ | |
Layer | LR | A unit of count defining the number of layers. |
Leaf | LEF | |
Length | LN | |
Lift | 5 | |
Lift Van | Z1 | |
Light Year | B57 | |
Linear Centimetre | LC | |
Linear foot | LF | A unit of count defining the number of feet (12-inch) in length of a uniform width object. |
Linear Inch | LI | |
Linear metre | LM | A unit of count defining the number of metres in length of a uniform width object. |
Linear Yard | LY | |
Linear Yard Per Pound | LX | |
Link | LK | A unit of distance equal to 0.01 chain. |
Liquid pint (US) | PTL | The US liquid pint is equal one eighth of a United States liquid gallon. |
Liquid Pound | LP | |
Liquid quart (US) | QTL | A US liquid quart exactly equals 57.75 cubic inches, which is exactly equal to 0.946352946 litres. |
Lite | LE | A litre is defined as a special name for a cubic decimetre (1 L = 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3). |
Litre | LTR | |
Litre Of Pure Alcohol | LPA | Litre of pure alcohol |
Litre Per Day | LD | |
Litre Per Hour | E32 | Litre Per Hour |
Litre Per Minute | L2 | |
Litre Per Mole | B58 | |
Load | NL | |
Locomotive Count | 1C | |
Locomotive Mile | 1K | |
Lot | LO | |
Lug | Z5 | |
Lumen | LUM | Lumen is a measure of the total quantity of visible light emitted by a light source. |
Lumen Hour | B59 | |
Lumen Per Watt | B61 | |
Lumen Second | B62 | Lumen seconds is the SI derived unit of luminous energy. It is based on the lumen, the SI unit of luminous flux, and the second, the SI base unit of time. The lumen second is sometimes called the Talbot (symbol T). |
Lumens per Square Meter | B60 | |
Lump Sum | LS | |
Lux | LUX | |
Lux Hour | B63 | |
Lux Second | B64 | |
Machine Per Unit | MA | |
Magnetic Tape | M0 | |
Manmonth | 3C | |
Mass Pound | D98 | |
Mat | MT | |
Maxwell | B65 | |
Meal | Q3 | |
Mega Litre | MAL | |
Megaampere Per Square Metre | B66 | |
Megabecquerel | 4N | 106 Bq1 Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second. |
Megabecquerel Per Kilogram | B67 | |
Megabyte | 4L | A unit of information equal to 10 (1000000) bytes. |
Megacoulomb | D77 | |
Megacoulomb Per Cubic Metre | B69 | |
Megacoulomb Per Square Metre | B70 | |
Megaelectronvolt | B71 | |
Megagram | 2U | |
Megagram Per Cubic Metre | B72 | |
Megagram Per Hour | 2V | |
Megahertz | MHZ | A unit of frenquecy equal to 106 Hertz |
Megajoule | 3B | |
Megajoule Per Cubic Metre | JM | |
Megajoule Per Kilogram | JK | |
Megametre | MAM | |
Meganewton | B73 | |
Meganewton Metre | B74 | |
Megaohm | B75 | |
Megaohm Metre | B76 | |
Megapascal | MPA | |
Megasiemens Per Metre | B77 | |
Megavolt | B78 | |
Megavolt – Ampere | MVA | |
Megavolt Per Metre | B79 | |
Megawatt | MAW | A unit of power defining the rate of energy transferred or consumed when a current of 1000 amperes flows due to a potential of 1000 volts at unity power factor. |
Megawatt hour (1000 kW.h) | MWH | A unit of energy defining the total amount of bulk energy transferred or consumed. |
Mesh | 57 | |
Message | NF | |
Message Hour | NH | |
Metre | MTR | The metre is the basic unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). |
Metre Kelvin | D18 | |
Metre Per Minute | 2X | |
Metre Per Second | MTS | |
Metre Per Second Squared | MSK | |
Metre To The Fourth Power | B83 | |
Metric Carat | CTM | Metric Carat |
Metric Horse Power | HJ | |
Metric Long Ton | E5 | |
Mho | NQ | |
Microampere | B84 | |
Microbar | B85 | |
Microcoulomb | B86 | |
Microcoulomb Per Cubic Metre | B87 | |
Microcoulomb Per Square Metre | B88 | |
Microcurie | M5 | |
Microfarad | 4O | |
Microfarad Per Metre | B89 | |
Microfiche Sheet | G7 | |
Microgram | MC | A microgram is one millionth of a gram (0.000001) |
Microgram Per Cubic Meter | GQ | |
Microhenry | B90 | |
Microhenry Per Metre | B91 | |
Micro-Inch | M7 | |
Microlitre | 4G | A microlitre is one millionth of a litre |
Micrometre | 4H | A micrometre is one millionth of a metre, also termed Micron. |
Micromho | NR | |
Micromole | FH | |
Micronewton | B92 | |
Micronewton Metre | B93 | |
Microohm | B94 | |
Microohm Metre | B95 | |
Micropascal | B96 | |
Microradian | B97 | |
Microsecond | B98 | |
Microsiemens | B99 | |
Microtesla | D81 | |
Microvolt | D82 | |
Microvolt Per Metre | C3 | |
Microwatt | D80 | |
Microwatt Per Square Metre | D85 | |
Mile (statute mile) | SMI | |
Mile Per Hour | HM | |
Millesimai (LM) | X_MLM | |
Milliampere | 4K | |
Milliampere hour | E09 | |
Milliard | MLD | |
Millibar | MBR | |
Millicoulomb | D86 | |
Millicoulomb Per Cubic Metre | D88 | |
Millicoulomb Per Kilogram | C8 | |
Millicoulomb Per Square Metre | D89 | |
Millicurie | MCU | |
Milliequivalents | MEQ | |
Millifarad | C10 | |
Milligal | C11 | |
Milligram | MGM | A milligram is one thousandth of a gram (0.001) |
Milligram Per Cubic Metre | GP | |
Milligram Per Hour | 4M | |
Milligram Per Kilogram | NA | Milligram per Kilogram (mg/kg) |
Milligram Per Metre | C12 | |
Milligram Per Square Foot Per Side | MF | |
Milligram Per Square Inch | MK | |
Milligrams Per Litre | M1 | |
Milligrams Per Square Metre | GO | |
Milligray | C13 | |
Millihenry | C14 | |
Milli-Inch | 77 | |
Millijoule | C15 | |
Millilitre | MLT | A millilitre is one thousandth of a litre (0.001) |
Millilitre Of Water | WW | |
Millilitre Per Kilogram | KX | |
Millilitre Per Minute | 41 | |
Millilitre Per Second | 40 | |
Millilitres Per Square Centimetre Second | 35 | |
Millimetre | MMT | A millimetre is one thousandth of a metre (0.001) |
Millimetre Per Second | C16 | |
Millimetre Squared Per Second | C17 | |
Millimole | C18 | A millimole is one thousandth of a mole. |
Millimole Per Kilogram | D87 | |
Millinewton | C20 | |
Millinewton Metre | D83 | |
Millinewton Per Metre | C22 | |
Milliohm Metre | C23 | |
Million | MIO | |
Million Btu Per 1000 Cubic Feet | M9 | |
Million Btus | BZ | |
Million Cubic Feet | FM | |
Million Cubic Metre | HMQ | |
Million International Unit (NIE) | MIU | A unit of count defining the number of international units in multiples of 106. |
Million Particle Per Cubic Foot | FD | |
Million Unit | UM | |
Millipascal | 74 | |
Millipascal Second | C24 | |
Milliradian | C25 | |
Milliröntgen | 2Y | |
Millisecond | C26 | A thousandth (1/1000) of a second. |
Millisiemens | C27 | |
Millisievert | C28 | |
Millitesla | C29 | |
Millivolt | 2Z | |
Millivolt Per Kelvin | D49 | |
Millivolt Per Metre | C30 | |
Milliwatt | C31 | |
Milliwatt Per Square Metre | C32 | |
Milliweber | C33 | |
Minute | D61 | |
Minute (unit of time) | MIN | |
Mmscf/Day | 5E | |
Mole | C34 | The SI base unit of amount of substance; one of a few units used to measure this physical quantity.A mole will possess mass exactly equal to the substance's molecular or atomic weight in grams. That is to say, a substance's atomic or molecular mass in atomic mass units is the same as its molar mass in grams. Because of this, one can measure the number of moles in a pure substance by weighing it and comparing the result to its molecular or atomic weight |
Mole Per Cubic Decimetre | C35 | |
Mole Per Cubic Metre | C36 | |
Mole Per Kilogram | C19 | |
Mole Per Litre | C38 | |
Monetary Value | M4 | |
Month | MON | Unit of time equal to 1/12 of a year of 365,25 days |
Most Probable Number | MPN | Most Probable Number: is a method of getting quantitative data on concentrations of discrete items from positive/negative (incidence) data.. |
Mother tincture (Dry material) | X_MTC | |
Mutually Defined | ZZ | |
Nanoampere | C39 | |
Nanocoulomb | C40 | |
Nanofarad | C41 | |
Nanofarad Per Metre | C42 | |
Nanogram | X_NGM | |
Nanohenry | C43 | |
Nanohenry Per Metre | C44 | |
Nanolitre | Q34 | The metric unit of volume equal to one billionth of a litre, which can be represented numerically as 0.000000001/liter. |
Nanometre | C45 | A billionth of a metre (10 to the negative 9th power) |
Nanoohm Metre | C46 | |
Nanosecond | C47 | |
Nanotesla | C48 | |
Nanowatt | C49 | |
Nautical Mile | NMI | |
Neper | C50 | |
Neper Per Second | C51 | |
Net Barrel | ND | |
Net Gallon (Us) | NG | |
Net Imperial Gallon | NI | |
Net kilogram | 58 | A unit of mass defining the total number of kilograms after deductions. |
Net Litre | NE | |
Net Register Ton | NTT | |
Net Ton | NT | |
Newspage Agate Line | Z8 | |
Newton | NEW | |
Newton Metre | NU | |
Newton Metre Second | C53 | |
Newton Metre Squared Kilogram Squared | C54 | |
Newton Per Metre | 4P | |
Newton Per Square Metre | C55 | |
Newton Per Square Millimetre | C56 | |
Newton Second | C57 | |
Newton Second Per Metre | C58 | |
Nine Pack | P9 | |
Number Of Articles | NAR | |
Number Of Bobbins | NBB | |
Number Of Cells | NCL | |
Number of International Units | NIU | |
Number Of Lines | N2 | |
Number Of Mults | MV | |
Number Of Packs | NMP | |
Number Of Pairs | NPR | Number of pairs |
Number Of Parcels | NPL | |
Number Of Parts | NPT | |
Number Of Rolls | NRL | |
Number Of Screens | NJ | |
Octave | C59 | |
Oersted | 66 | |
Ohm | OHM | |
Ohm Centimetre | C60 | |
Ohm Metre | C61 | |
One | C62 | |
Oscillations Per Minute | OPM | |
Ounce | ONZ | A unit of mass with several definitions, the most commonly used of which are equal to approximately 30 grams |
Ounce Av | OZ | |
Ounce Foot | 4R | |
Ounce Inch | 4Q | |
Ounce Per Square Foot | 37 | |
Ounces Per Square Foot Per 0,01 Inch | 38 | |
Ounces per square yard | ON | The weight of one square yard of the material expressed in ounces. Commonly used to express the density or weight of all types of paper, paperboard, and fabric, e.g. 20 OZ or 20 Weight denim has an area density of 20 oz/yd2.The term density here is used somewhat incorrectly, as density is mass by volume. More precisely, it is a measure of the area density, areal density, or surface density. |
Outfit | 11 | |
Overtime Hour | OT | |
Package | PK | |
Packet | PA | |
Pad | PD | A unit of count defining the number of pads (pad: block of paper sheets fastened together at one end). |
Page | ZP | |
Page - Electronic | P0 | |
Page - Facsimile | QA | |
Page - hardcopy | QB | A unit of count defining the number of hardcopy pages (hardcopy page: a page rendered as printed or written output on paper, film, or other permanent medium). |
Page Per Inch | PQ | |
Pail | PL | |
Pair | PR | A unit of count defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's). |
Pair Inch | PB | |
Pallet (Lift) | PF | |
Pallet/Unit Load | D97 | |
Panel | OA | |
Parsec | C63 | |
Part Per Billion (Us) | 61 | |
Part per million | 59 | A unit of proportion equal to 10-6 (ppm). |
Part Per Thousand | NX | |
Pascal | PAL | |
Pascal Per Kelvin | C64 | |
Pascal Second | C65 | |
Pascal Second Per Cubic Metre | C66 | |
Pascal Second Per Metre | C67 | |
Peck | G23 | A peck is an imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume, equivalent in each of these systems to 2 gallons, 8 dry quarts, or 16 dry pints. |
Peck Dry (Uk) | PZ | |
Peck Dry (Us) | PY | A peck is an imperial and U.S. customary unit of dry volume, equivalent in each of these systems to 2 gallons, 8 dry quarts, or 16 dry pints. |
Pen Calorie | N1 | |
Pen Gram (Protein) | D23 | |
Pennyweight | DWT | A pennyweight (abbreviated dwt or denarius weight) is a unit of mass that is equal to 24 grains, 1⁄20 of a troy ounce, 1⁄240 of a troy pound, and exactly 1.55517384 grams. (Usage- The pennyweight is the common weight used in the valuation and measurement of precious metals. Jewellers use the pennyweight in calculating the amount and cost of precious metals used in fabricating or casting jewellery. Similarly, dentists and dental labs still use the pennyweight as the measure of precious metals in dental crowns and inlays.) |
Percent | P1 | |
Percent Per 1000 Hour | 62 | |
Percent Weight | 60 | |
Person | IE | |
Petajoule | C68 | |
pH (potential of Hydrogen) | Q30 | |
Phon | C69 | |
Pica | R1 | |
Picoampere | C70 | |
Picocoulomb | C71 | |
Picofarad | 4T | |
Picofarad Per Metre | C72 | |
Picohenry | C73 | |
Picolitre | Q33 | Picolitre- Picoliter is the metric unit of volume equal to a trillionth (one millionth of a millionth) of a liter, which can be represented numerically as 0.000000000001/liter. just as the prefix nano denotes a billionth part. |
Picometre | C52 | Picometre- a trillionth of a metre (10 to the negative 12th power) |
Picowatt | C75 | Picowatt is a derived metric SI (System International) measurement unit of power.The picowatt is equal to one trillionth of a watt (10-12W). |
Picowatt Per Square Metre | C76 | |
Piece | H87 | A unit of count defining the number of pieces (piece: a single item, article or exemplar). |
Piece | PCE | |
Pint (UK) | PTI | A pint (UK) is equal to 1/8 Gallon (UK); used primarly as a measure for beer and cider when sold by the glass. |
Pint (Us) | PT | |
Pitch | PI | |
Pixel | E37 | A unit of count defining the number of pixels (pixel: picture element). |
Pixel per centimetre | X_PPC | |
Pixel per inch | X_PPI | |
Plaque Forming unit(s) | PFU | |
Plate | PG | |
Point | PNT | |
Poise | 89 | |
Portion | PTN | Portion |
Potential Renal Solute Load | PRS | |
Pound | LBR | The international avoirdupois pound of exactly 0.45359237 kilogram. |
Pound Equivalent | PE | |
Pound Gage | C77 | |
Pound Gross | D96 | |
Pound Net | PN | |
Pound Per Air Dry Metric Ton | NY | |
Pound Per Cubic Foot | 87 | |
Pound Per Cubic Inch | LA | |
Pound Per Foot | P2 | |
Pound Per Gallon (Us) | GE | |
Pound Per Hour | 4U | |
Pound Per Inch Of Length | PO | |
Pound Per Inch Of Width | PW | |
Pound Per Piece Of Product | 3G | |
Pound Per Pound Of Product | 3E | |
Pound Per Ream | RP | |
Pound per square foot | FP | A non SI unit of Pressure approximately equal to 47.88025 PASCAL's. |
Pound per square inch - Absolute | 80 | Psia (pound-force per square inch absolute)is a unit of pressure pressure relative to a vacuum (such as that in space).At sea level, Earth's atmosphere actually exerts a pressure of 14.7 psi. Humans do not feel this pressure because internal pressure of liquid in their bodies matches the external pressure. If a pressure gauge is calibrated to read zero in space, then at sea level on Earth it would read 14.7 psi. Thus a reading of 30 psig, on Earth, on a tire gauge represents an absolute pressure of 44.7 psi (lb/in2). |
Pound per square inch - Gauge | 64 | Psig (pound-force per square inch gauge) is a unit of pressure relative to the surrounding atmosphere. At sea level, Earth's atmosphere actually exerts a pressure of 14.7 psi. Humans do not feel this pressure because internal pressure of liquid in their bodies matches the external pressure. If a pressure gauge is calibrated to read zero in space, then at sea level on Earth it would read 14.7 psi. Thus a reading of 30 psig, on Earth, on a tire gauge represents an absolute pressure of 44.7 psi (lb/in2). |
Pound Per Thousand Square Feet | 29 | |
Pound Percentage | PM | |
Pound-Force | C78 | |
Pound-force per square inch | PS | The pound-force per square inch (symbol: psi or lbf/in2 or lbf/in2) is a unit of pressure or of stress based on avoirdupois units. It is the pressure resulting from a force of one pound-force applied to an area of one square inch. Other abbreviations are used that append a modifier to "psi". However, the US National Institute of Standards and Technology recommends that, to avoid confusion, any modifiers be instead applied to the quantity being measured rather than the unit of measure[1] For example, "Pg = 100 psi" rather than "P = 100 psig". |
Pounds Per Thousand | 5F | |
Powder Filled Vial | AW | |
Print Point | N3 | |
Proof Gallon | PGL | |
Pump | 5G | |
Quart (Uk) | QTI | |
Quart (US dry) | QTD | A US dry quart is equal to 1/32 of a US bushel, exactly 1.101220942715 litres. |
Quart (Us) | QT | |
Quarter (Of A Year) | QAN | |
Quarter (Uk) | QTR | |
Quarter Dozen | QD | |
Quarter Hour | QH | |
Quarter Kilogram | QK | |
Quarter Mile | 1X | |
Quire | QR | |
Rack | RA | |
Rad | C80 | |
Radian | C81 | |
Radian Meter Squared Per Mole | C82 | |
Radian Metre Squared Per Kilogram | C83 | |
Radian Per Metre | C84 | |
Radian Per Second | 2A | |
Radian Per Second Squared | 2B | |
Rate | A9 | |
Ration | 13 | |
Ream | RM | |
Ream Metric Measure | RN | |
Reciprocal †Ngstr"M | C85 | |
Reciprocal Cubic Metre | C86 | |
Reciprocal Cubic Metre Per Second | C87 | |
Reciprocal Electron Volt Per Cubic Metre | C88 | |
Reciprocal Henry | C89 | |
Reciprocal Joule Per Cubic Metre | C90 | |
Reciprocal Kelvin Or Kelvin To The Power Minus One | C91 | |
Reciprocal Metre | C92 | |
Reciprocal Metre Squared Reciprocal Second | B81 | |
Reciprocal Minute | C94 | |
Reciprocal Mole | C95 | |
Reciprocal Pascal Or Pascal To The Power Minus One | C96 | |
Reciprocal Second | C97 | |
Reciprocal Second Per Cubic Metre | C98 | |
Reciprocal Second Per Metre Squared | C99 | |
Reciprocal Second Per Steradian | D1 | |
Reciprocal Second Per Steradian Metre Squared | D2 | |
Reciprocal Square Metre | C93 | |
Reel | RL | |
Rem | D91 | |
Reset | RS | |
Retinol Equivalent (RE) | XRE | A unit used for quantifying the vitamin A value of sources of vitamin A, including both preformed retinoids and precursor carotenoids. |
Revenue Ton Mile | RT | |
Revolutions Per Minute | RPM | |
Revolutions Per Second | RPS | |
Ring | RG | |
Rod | RD | |
Roll | RO | A unit of count defining the number of rolls” where “Roll” is the name of the code value in UN/ECE Recommendation 21, pluralized as appropriate. |
Roll Metric Measure | RK | |
Röntgen | 2C | |
Röntgen Per Second | D6 | |
Round | D65 | |
Run | RU | |
Running Or Operating Hour | RH | |
Sack | SA | |
Sample per second | X_SPS | |
Sandwich | D7 | |
Saybold Universal Second | 90 | |
Score | SCO | |
Scruple | SCR | |
Second | D62 | |
Second (unit of time) | SEC | |
Second Per Cubic Metre | D93 | |
Second Per Radian Cubic Metre | D94 | |
Section | SE | |
Segment | SG | |
Seismic Level | 5P | |
Seismic Line | 5Q | |
Serving | X_SER | A unit of count defining the number of servings being referenced. There is a validation limiting the usage of this UoM. |
Session | S6 | |
Set | SET | A unit of count defining the number of sets (set: a number of objects grouped together). |
Seven Pack | P7 | |
Sheet | ST | A unit of count defining the number of “Sheets” where “Sheet” is the name of the code value in UN/ECE Recommendation 21, pluralized as appropriate. |
Sheet Metric Measure | SS | |
Shelf Package | SP | |
Shipment | SX | A unit of count defining the number of shipments (shipment: an amount of goods shipped or transported). |
Shipping Ton | SHT | |
Short Standard (7200 Matches) | SST | |
Shot | 14 | |
Siemens | SIE | |
Siemens Per Metre | D10 | |
Siemens Square Metre Per Mole | D12 | |
Sievert | D13 | |
Sitas | 56 | |
Six Pack | P6 | |
Sixty Fourths Of An Inch | S5 | |
Sizing Factor | FJ | |
Skein | SW | |
Skid | SV | |
Sleeve | D99 | |
Slipsheet | SL | |
Small Spray | 4 | |
Solid Pound | SD | |
Sone | D15 | |
Split Tanktruck | SK | |
Spool | SO | |
SQ-E | SQE | |
Square | SQ | |
Square centimetre | CMK | A square centimetre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 centimetre in length. |
Square Centimetre Per Erg | D16 | |
Square Centimetre Per Steradian Erg | D17 | |
Square decimetre | DMK | A square decimetre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 decimetre in length. |
Square foot | FTK | A square foot is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 foot in length. |
Square Foot Per Second | S3 | A square inch is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 inch in length. |
Square inch | INK | A square metre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 metre in length. |
Square Kilometre | KMK | |
Square metre | MTK | A square metre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 metre in length. |
Square metre kelvin per watt | D19 | |
Square Metre Per Joule | D20 | |
Square Metre Per Kilogram | D21 | |
Square Metre Per Mole | D22 | |
Square Metre Per Second | S4 | Metre squared per second. |
Square Metre Per Steradian | D24 | |
Square Metre Per Steradian Joule | D25 | |
Square Metre Per Volt Second | D26 | Square metre kelvin per watt .The definition is the thermal resistance (or Rd value) of the material, which is measured by the thickness of the material layer divided by the thermal conductivity of the material. and is expressed in m²K/W. |
Square mile | MIK | A square mile is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 mile in length. |
Square millimetre | MMK | A square millimetre is an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 millimetre in |
Square Rod | SN | |
Square Yard | YDK | A square yard is the area of a square with sides of one yard (three feet, thirty-six inches, 0.9144 metres) in length |
Stage | 5H | |
Standard | WSD | |
Standard Advertising Unit | S8 | |
Standard Atmosphere | ATM | |
Standard Cubic Foot | 5I | |
Steradian | D27 | |
Stick | 15 | |
Stokes | 91 | |
Stone (Uk) | STI | |
Storage Unit | S7 | |
Strip | SR | |
Unit of Measure Codes
Note: This information is provided exclusively for GS1 US Data Hub users.
Instructions: UOM names are listed alphabetically by name. In the Product Import template, enter the appropriate code in the NetContent1UnitOfMeasure, NetContent2UnitofMeasure, and/or NetContent3UnitofMeasure columns.